You’re History!

People keep suggesting that we are living through things that will be written about for centuries to come.  We are living in future History books right NOW.

I have mixed emotions about that.  Can I pick a different history book to live in?  I quickly envision the old medicine woman in Brother Bear, as she scolds Kenai and says, "there is NO trading!"  Then bonks his head.  Wishful thinking, I suppose.

Which, of course, got me thinking (because, well, I overthink EVERRYYYTHING).. how did the people of my history books feel as they were "living through history?"

That thought has become nothing short of a full-blown obsession as I have dove into finding the PERFECT US History Curriculum for this year.

I had quite the list of must-haves, and at the TOP of that list was a need for something that acknowledged not only the triumphs of our country, but the struggles- the places we could have, and should now, improve.  Having adopted two girls who are a different race than myself, specifically Native American and Hispanic, I wanted something that brought to light the MANY races that contributed to our country.  I absolutely wanted to avoid anything that felt "white washed."

Daunting task, right?

Well, thanks to Shannon, we found it: A River of Voices by Blossom & Root.

I just want to give you a direct quote from one of the first pages of this curriculum:

"Our curriculum avoids the standard 'wooden teeth and cherry tree' mythology of U.S. history in favor of a more complete narrative.  Of course, learning about George Washington's teeth can be a fun tidbit, but it shouldn't (in our opinion) be the one detail they remember about his life or contributions.  And, while we believe it is important to celebrate the positive contributions of our leaders, we believe in being open about their mistakes and flaws as well."

This thought, along with the way they teach and the list of books they used had me S O L D!

Also, the fact that it has 3 different levels from kinder-8th+ meant I could continue teaching history family-style, which is VERY important to me!  (ain't nobody got time to teach 6 different history curriculums!)

Here are a few examples of books on the reading list that we will cover throughout the year:

But, don't take my word for it, check it out yourself!!  It's $36 for the download, which includes the course book, student workbooks and a student timeline.

And, only because I'm obsessed with learning every last detail about our nation alongside my children, I am also using a second curriculum (either could stand alone as it's own curriculum, I'm just combining them for different perspectives)

For this, I chose a more classic textbook feel, with a nice story approach- which also addresses the tough issues.

A History of US by Joy Hakim

I liked this particular set as it starts the dive into America in prehistoric times- doesn't get more thorough than that!!  It's an 11 book set, breaking up US History into different time periods.

Best price I found was here, at $125 on Amazon (they were sold out yesterday!)

Some read alongs I plan to enjoy with my kids, or have them read:

The World of Columbus and Sons which gives an account of the life of Columbus and all that was happening across the world at this time.  I found it interesting to see what was going on all over the world at the birth of our country.  There are several books in this set, all around $20

Then, of course, the graphic novel approach to history!  My boys are already diving into these!!
There are several to choose from, ranging from $8-$12

For those looking for something you can just hand-off to your kids and go, Studies Weekly might be more your thing!  Written as weekly newspapers, these are fun and informative curriculum option!  There is also online support and games to enjoy with your purchase.  This is one of the more expensive options on the list, at $30 per child, but, can  you really put a price on sanity?!

For those wanting an inexpensive, all-in-one, family style history curriculum that is also easy to use and not boring, I got you!

I almost feel like I'm cheating on my favorite history curriculum this year, and, to be honest, if The Story of the World by Susan Wise Bauer had a US history curriculum, I would be all over that!  But, alas, she doesn't really focus on any one country and does a more broad, world history between the 4 books.  The course book reads like an actual story of, well, the world (imagine that).  The accompanying activity book is filled with several options per chapter, as well as coloring pages, map pages and worksheets.  We did the map work every lesson, then rotated around between the other options- to keep things fresh and lively!  (LOL)  If  you want my vote, THIS is the best curriculum!  And, at $40-$50 for the bundle of printed goodness, it's also very budget-friendly!

Last year, I got together with some homeschool moms and created a Science/History Co-op.  We met every Thursday from 10-12 to get in one hour of each subject and meet our children's weekly requirements in both.  Such a great way to get curriculum in, as well as social time, AND take some stuff off of your already full plate!  With those two out of the way, I just had to focus on Language Arts and Math at home... and make sure we got to the park for a few hours here and there for PE!

Why am I adding this info in here, you ask?  Well, I wanted to share with you the California History curriculum we used!  It was fun, got the kids up and moving, had lots of activities, and was less than $20!!  PERFECT!  We just had to print our stuff each week and we were good to go!  

While you are over at Teachers Pay Teachers, go ahead and look around!  On the left side of the screen, you can search for curriculum based on grade or subject.  Also, this is all written by teachers!!  It's stuff they actually use in their classrooms!  It's definitely one of my GO-TO sites!

Last, and, I must admit, least (am I allowed to say that?!) would be The Good and the Beautiful.  I can hear the diehard TGATB fans screaming insults at me from afar, but, this is my blog and my opinion.  While it is at the bottom of my list of history favorites (from the very few I've personally tried, because I do not suggest curriculum I have not held in my hands and devoured myself), it is definitely NOT horrible!  In fact, some of the lessons are AMAZING.  Case in point: St Patrick- I will use the lesson on this AMAZING man EVERY SINGLE YEAR!  However, the majority of the lessons were just too long and too much reading for our crew- even I found myself struggling to stay awake.  We are a hands-on kind of people and needed something a little more active.  BUT, if you LOVE to read and enjoy listening to some cute kids on audio, this may be a good option.  Also, another highlight, each year comes with a game.  And, we LOVE games, so it wasn't a total loss! ;)

I also want to note that this is a religious curriculum.  It's non-denominational Christian based, and references God and Christ often.  So, if that is not your thing, scratch this one off of your list.

All that being said, this is a BELOVED curriculum!!  It is pricier than some of the other options, but, it's also sold out- and anyone buying it is not getting reimbursed, so let that fact speak for itself.

Price points are: $78 printed, and $55 PDF- neither price includes the book pack that is a collection of books to be read along with the curriculum

Ok, one more thing, so maybe TGATB wasn't totally last!  If you are looking to outsource some stuff- check out Outschool!  These are also teachers using their wisdom to brighten the world!  Instead of just curriculum, though, this site offers actual online classes!  You can do anything from history and math to art and dance!  We've done several classes and have always been impressed with the content and ability of the teachers!

Well, folks, the rest is history!

heh.  Sorry, I couldn't help myself.  Which will be the main line in the history of me!

Do  you have any thoughts on curriculum??  Any you've found that you love??  I'd love to hear it!!  Especially if you have an books on US history!!

