You’re History!
People keep suggesting that we are living through things that will be written about for centuries to come. We are living in future History books right NOW. I have mixed emotions about that. Can I pick a different history book to live in? I quickly envision the old medicine woman in Brother Bear , as she scolds Kenai and says, "there is NO trading!" Then bonks his head. Wishful thinking, I suppose. Which, of course, got me thinking (because, well, I overthink EVERRYYYTHING ).. how did the people of my history books feel as they were "living through history?" That thought has become nothing short of a full-blown obsession as I have dove into finding the PERFECT US History Curriculum for this year. I had quite the list of must-haves, and at the TOP of that list was a need for something that acknowledged not only the triumphs of our country, but the struggles- the places we could have, and should now, improve. Having adopted two girls ...